Page 6 - Shimadzu PPSQ-51A-53A
P. 6

Simple, Easy-to-Use Data Analysis Functions

                     Specialized protein sequencer software makes it simple to perform the reprocessing of
                     chromatograms, the overlay of multiple chromatograms, and the automatic estimation of amino acid
                     sequences, which are required for sequence analysis.

                          Reprocessing of
                      chromatograms required            Overlay of multiple            Automatic estimation
                          for data analysis               chromatograms               of amino acid sequences

                             Chromatogram peak integration, printing, and other   Displays multiple chromatograms. Analysis cycles can be
                             processes can be performed on a per-sample basis.  updated simply by clicking a button.
                                                                       Window allows easy identi cation of sequences.

                             Calibrates PTH-amino acid retention times.   Automatically generates a report containing analytical parameters,
                             Retention times can be edited simply by selecting   estimated sequences, yield rates, and other information.
                             a PTH-amino acid and clicking a peak.

                     Automatic Sequence            Customized Reports             Yield Graph Display
                     Sequences are automatically estimated after   Reports containing information such as analytical   Initial and repeated yield rates are calculated and
                     analysis of each cycle is complete. Up to four   parameters, estimated sequences, and yield rates   displayed in graph form. Amino acids used for
                     candidate amino acids are displayed together with   are automatically created.  calculations can be freely selected.
                     their certainty levels.

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