Page 4 - Shimadzu PPSQ-51A-53A
P. 4

Analytical Stability and Higher Detection

                     Baseline Stability                            Retention Time Reproducibility
                     PPSQ series protein sequencers separate       Isocratic sequence analysis provides more stable
                     PTH-amino acids isocratically. This improves   retention times. Therefore, peaks detected in
                     baseline stability and allows high-sensitivity   previous cycles can be cancelled using
                     analysis of PTH-amino acids.                  substation chromatogram processing, making it
                                                                   easier to identify sequences.

                                                                                   PTH-AA 10pmol
                                    D  E  Q  H
                                          S T  G  A  Y
                                                       R      M V       W
                                                                   P            K  I
                                                                              F       L

                     Higher Detection
                     Cycle 10 PTH-Val
                                                PPSQ-51A/53A                                      PPSQ-31B/33B

                     Cycle 21 PTH-Ile
                                                PPSQ-51A/53A                                      PPSQ-31B/33B

                     Sample: Horse myoglobin 10pmol
                     Results show the subtraction chromatograms by SPD-M30A (PPSQ-51A/53A) and SPD-20A (PPSQ-31B/33B) connected tandemly after
                     Edman degradation.

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