Page 4 - Shimadzu Nexera Mikros
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I m p r o v e d De t e c t i o n L i m i t s w i t h M i c r o f l o w                                                    I n c o m p ar ab l e  M ic r o f l o w  R u g g e d n e s s

            Monoclonal Antibody Bioanalysis                                                                                           Realize the Benefits of Microflow While Enjoying the

            —Nexera Mikros and nSMOL  Antibody BA Kit—                                                                                Ruggedness and Reliability of HPLC
            nSMOL (nano-surface and molecular orientation limited proteolysis) is a proprietary, ground-breaking process that enables selective proteolysis of the Fab region of   The Nexera Mikros system delivers the improvements you expect from a low-flow system with the ruggedness of HPLC. A plasma blank was protein
            antibodies using trypsin-immobilized nanoparticles. Fab-derived peptides are quantified via MRM measurement on a high-sensitivity mass spectrometer. The Nexera   precipitated, diluted (3×), and injected 1,500 times consecutively. During the consecutive injections, QC sample (40 ppt of nortriptyline) was injected once
            Mikros system achieved signal intensities 12 times higher than with conventional flow rates, with a corresponding lower limit of detection of 0.025 µg/mL and good   every 50 injections of plasma blank. Peak areas and retention times of QC sample are plotted below. With 4.38% RSD area repeatability and 0.25% RSD
            linearity. The Nexera Mikros system is ideal for low-level quantitation of peptides by LCMS.
                                                                                                                                      retention time stability, extremely stable operation was demonstrated, without loss of peak shape common in high-throughput analyses of complex matrices.
                                                                                                                                      Furthermore, the LCMS-8060NX with new ion guide UF-Qarray ™  II and the UF-Lens ™  II increases the robustness and minimizes downtime of the instrument.
                                                 Nanoparticle                                                                         * Results obtained under our application conditions.
                                             (FG beads  Trypsin DART)
                                Trypsin-immobilized  Diameter:                               LCMS Analysis
                                                   200 nm                                                                                               60,000                  Area Value: 4.38 %RSD
                                                                                   Collection of Fab-derived
                       Captured Antibody Fab                  Limited
                      Oriented toward Solution             Trypsin Access                peptide                                                       Area Value  40,000
                              Fab                                                                                                                       30,000
                                                                                  • Decreases sample
                       Antibody                                                    complexity                                                           10,000
                                                                                  • Prevents contamination
                            IgG collection                                          from excess proteolysis                                                 0  0       300         600         900        1,200       1,500
                                                                                                                                                                               Number of Blood Plasma Injections
                                               Diameter: 100 nm                                                                                                            Area Repeatability of QC Samples

                                          Immunoglobulin collection resin

            The following is an example of antibody drug analysis in plasma. The plasma spiked with trastuzumab was pretreated using nSMOL Antibody BA Kit.  4
              In the analysis of signature peptides deriving from trastuzumab, Nexera Mikros provides a dynamic range of 0.00763 – 62.5 µg/mL, good linearity with            Retention Time: 0.25 %RSD
            R  > 0.99, and excellent accuracy of 101.0% (average).                                                                                         3
                  100          2                           800        Blank         800      0.00763 µg/mL                                             Retention Time (min)  2
                 Calculated Conc. [µg/mL] * 1  0.1 1  R  = 0.9998  600              600                                                                    1 0  0       300    Number of Blood Plasma Injections  1,200  1,500

                  0.01                                     200                      200                                                                               Retention Time Reproducibility of QC Samples
                      0.01   0.1     1      10    100        0                       0
                               Set Conc. [µg/mL] * 1               3.0       3.5            3.0       3.5                                                                      1,500th injection
                         Linearity (0.00763 to 62.5 µg/mL)                 Chromatogram (4 µL/min)
                                                                                                                                                             (×10,000)    750th injection
                                                                                                                                                                     1st injection
            The intra-day reproducibility of this trastuzumab-derived-peptide analysis is summarized in the table below.                                 0.75
              These results show an excellent reproducibility, with both of accuracy and precision within 20% at LLOQ and within 15% even at other concentrations.
                 Concentration Setting  QC set 1 * 2    QC set 2 * 2                                                                                     0.50
                     (µg/mL)     Accuracy  Repeatability  Accuracy  Repeatability
                     0.00763     97.1%     5.69%     100%     11.3%                                                                                      0.25
                     0.0229      102%      6.68%     101%     2.84%
                     5.86        106%      2.67%    99.4%     3.12%                                                                                      0.00
                     50.0         94%      6.36%    91.7%     7.23%          *1: This curve is drawn on logarithmic scale.                                  3.5              4.0              4.5             min
                      Intra-Day Reproducibility Evaluation Results from QC Samples  *2: QC sets 1 and 2 were analyzed over a 2-day period,
                                                                                   with each set of concentrations analyzed five times.                                Chromatograms from 1st, 750th, and 1,500th Injections

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Nexera Mikros
      4                                                                                                                                                                                                        Microflow Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry System  5
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