Page 5 - Shimadzu MALDI-7090
P. 5

dard in MS/MS acquisition,

 ented and exclusive to Shimadzu

                                     High resolution ion gate

         The MALDI-7090 is equipped with a dual wire                  peptide A
         Bradbury-Nielsen high resolution precursor       100
         ion gate.                                        80             peptide B
         Compounds of similar nominal mass may            60
         produce fragment ion spectra that contain        40
         ions from both precursors. However the high      20
         resolution ion gate allows the individual         0
                                                           1030  1032  1034  1036  1038  1040  1042  1044  1046  1048  1050  1052  1054  1056  1058  1060  1062  1064  1066  1068  1070
         gating of species close in nominal mass thus
                                                   MS/MS                            MS/MS
         producing distinct fragment ion spectra.  low resolution ion gate     high resolution ion gate
                                               peptide A + peptide B              peptide A only
                                                         y7                                   y7
                                                        peptide A                           peptide A
                                      100                                  100
                                      90                                   90
                                               (b-H2O)7                             (b-H2O)7
                                      80                    y7             80
                                               peptide A                            peptide A
                                      70                  peptide B        70
                                      60                                   60
                                                  peptide B
                                      50                                   50
                                      40                                   40
                                         b7   b7
                                      30                                   30
                                      20 peptide A peptide B               20    b7
                                                                                peptide A
                                      10                                   10
                                      0                                    0
                                       860  870  880  890  900  910  920  930  940  950  960  970  980  860  870  880  890  900  910  920  930  940  950  960  970  980
                                                      m/z                                  m/z
                                                                                          A New Dimension in MALDI TOF-TOF Design  5
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