Page 4 - Shimadzu LabSolutions IR
P. 4

Creating an Integrated Laboratory Network

                    Manage your valuable data from a centralized networked server. The LabSolutions IR Series
                    enables networked management of FTIR as well as LC and GC data. In addition, it is capable of
                    managing a wide variety of analytical instruments on a network.

                        LabSolutions CS

                    When connected without restrictions to an analytical   when LabSolutions IR is not installed on the client PC.
                    network, LabSolutions CS manages all analytical data in a   LabSolutions CS is ideal for customers wanting compliance
                    central database on a server computer, facilitating access   with ER/ES regulations while seeking to manage LC/GC
                    to analytical data from any computer connected to that   data together with FTIR data on one server hosting a
                    network. Terminal Services (RemoteApp) can also be used   large number of users.
                    to control LabSolutions IR from a remote location, even

                                       Client PC         Laboratory or office     LabSolutions Server

                                         Acquisition controller PC

                              Name                  LabSolutions IR         LabSolutions DB IR       LabSolutions CS
                                               Measured data files are saved and
                       Data management method                            Measured data files are saved and managed in the LabSolutions database.
                                                managed in folders on the PC.
                                                 The software references files
                           Data references                                       The software references files in the database.
                                               on drives or in folders on the PC.
                                                                               Available                Available
                         LabSolutions database        Unavailable
                                                                        (The database resides on a local PC)  (The database resides on a server)
                                                      Available                            Unavailable
                         CLASS-Agent database
                                                       (Option)       (The contents of the CLASS-Agent database can be transferred to the LabSolutions database.)
                          User administration                                  Available
                       Rights group administration                             Available
                         Project administration       Unavailable                           Available
                                                                                               Only databases on the network can be used.
                                                                                                LabSolutions IR data can be viewed using the
                                                                        Only the standalone configuration
                         Standalone /network       Either can be used.                          database manager on a PC set up for viewing
                                                                              can be used.
                                                                                                purposes. Note that LabSolutions IR must be
                                                                                                  installed on the PC used for viewing.
                                                Performed on a file-by-file basis
                            Data backup                                               Performed for each database.
                                                  using Windows Explorer.

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