Page 15 - Shimadzu IRXross
P. 15

Semiconductor   Environmental
 Applications  Applications
 (Monitoring Semiconductor-Related  (Exhaust Gas Analysis)

 Gas analysis requires selecting a cell length and window material appropriate for the type and concentration of gas
 being analyzed. Longer optical path lengths result in greater than normal light losses, but reliable data can be
 obtained using a high-sensitivity interferometer to suppress baseline noise. Additionally, an MCT kit can be
 installed to increase sensitivity.

 Time Course Software

 The time course program is used to collect spectra in regular
 intervals. It creates a time course dataset used to follow
 reactions as a function of time. Changes in peak height and
 peak area can be used to calculate values related to reaction
 kinetics. Time course information is saved and displayed in
 3D (bird’s eye view) or in a contour plot. The scan interval is
 dependent on resolution, number of scans, and mirror
 speed. The fastest speed under a 16 cm  resolution and a
 mirror speed of 9 mm/s is 7 seconds for 1 accumulated scan.

 Gas Cell

 Gas cells are used for analysis of gas samples, and the path
 length is selected based on the concentration of the
 samples. Gas cells with short path lengths of 5 or 10 cm and
 long path lengths of 10 m or more are available.

 5-cm Gas Cell  Long-Path
 Gas Cell

 MCT Kit

 Use a high-sensitivity MCT detector for analyses where a large amount of light is not available, such as monomolec-
 ular film analysis on metal substrates, high-speed reaction tracking, and low-concentration gas analysis using a gas
 cell with a long path length. The kit installs an MCT detector on the IRXross. Switching between the standard
 DLATGS detector and the MCT detector is performed automatically from LabSolutions IR. In addition, the kit has a
 built-in liquid nitrogen sensor to terminate current flow when the detector element is not being cooled, thus
 protecting the MCT detector.

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