Page 13 - Shimadzu IRXross
P. 13

Applications and Options

 Electrical/Electronic Applications       Polymer Applications
 (Defect Analysis and Contaminant Analysis)  (Tracking Reactions in Materials)

 Microscopes are well suited to measuring micro-areas. Because they focus the   Rapid scan measurements are useful for tracking reaction changes in UV
 light, there is greater light loss than with regular measurements, but they   curable resins. Optional Rapid Scan software can visually display time-course
 can accurately identify tiny peaks from a high-sensitivity interferometer.  changes in target peaks during each scan. As scan speeds increase, the
                                          sensitivity of the standard DLATGS detector can decrease due to the detec-
                                          tor’s frequency characteristics. However, an optional MCT kit can be installed
                                          to enable high-sensitivity measurements even at high scan speeds.

 AIM-9000 Infrared Microscope  QATR  10
 The AIM-9000 incorporates a bright, optimized optical system   This single-reflection ATR attachment features a prism made of only
 and a high-sensitivity MCT detector. In addition to enabling   diamond to enable measurements up to 400 cm  (wide range model).
 high-sensitivity measurement of micro samples, the system   Spectra are measured from liquid samples by simply placing a droplet on
 has been automated to ensure all steps involved in micro   the prism. Other samples are measured by placing them on the prism and
 analysis can be performed quickly and easily.  clamping them against the prism surface. The angle of incidence is 45
               degrees. Four types of prisms are available, including a Ge, ZnSe, and two
               diamond prisms (wide range and high-throughput models). The Ge prism is
               best suited for samples with a high refractive index.

 ATR Objective  MIRacle  10
 This objective lens is used when performing ATR measure-  This is a single-reflection ATR accessory. To measure the spectrum of a
 ments with the AIM-9000 infrared microscope. Using a   liquid, simply place it on the surface of the prism drop-wise. Measure solid
 cone-type prism, this single reflection objective features 15×   samples by simply clamping them onto the surface of the prism using the
 magnification and a 45-degree mean incident angle. The   provided pressure clamp. In addition, the MIRacle-10 enables easy measure-
 slide-on type prism makes it easy to switch back and forth   ment of large samples (with a large surface area) without compromising
 between visible observation and infrared measurement.  sample integrity. The incidence angle is 45°. Select from three prism
               options: ZnSe, Ge, and diamond/ZnSe, and whether the prism is equipped
               with a pressure sensor. The Ge prism is ideal for samples with a high
               refractive index.

 Mapping Program
               Rapid Scan
 The mapping program measures the absorption distribution
 on the surface of a sample and creates imaging data when   The Rapid Scan option provides the capability of collecting and recording a
 used with the Shimadzu AIM-9000 infrared microscope. It   maximum of 20 spectra/second. This is especially suitable for fast reactions
 allows setting of mapping parameters, such as the mapping   kinetics, where reactions are completed in a few seconds. Spectra obtained
 range, the scan intervals, and the background positions, on   from Rapid Scan measurements can be used to calculate peak heights and
 the composite visible images.  areas, which are used to determine kinetic rates.

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