Page 3 - Shimadzu ICPS-7510 - New
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The ICP that works at your will,

            without restrictions

            Produces high precision analytical results in all kinds of fields,                                                                                                               Analytical data
            such as the detection of ultra trace elements, and chemical composition analysis.                                                            Wavelength scanning

            The “Shimadzu Sequential Plasma Emission Spectrometer ICPS-7510” can be employed in applications where a                                     Negative high voltage
            broad range of highly precise analytical assessments are required, from ultra trace elements to analyses involving                           power source
            high concentrations, such as in chemical composition analysis. Such applications include high precision elemental
            analysis for research and development, analysis of the important major elements in production control, and                                   Amplifier
            environmental management analyses such as water quality control, which has a great effect on our lives.                                                              Safety         Option
                                                                                                                                                                                            Spectrometer for internal
                                                                                                                                                                                            standard method
                                                                                                                                                         Safety circuit                                         Optical fiber
                                   Environment                          Metals / Semiconductors / Ceramics                                                                                                                    Photo-multiplier
                    Drinking water                                 Metals
                    Seawater                                       Semiconductors                                                                       Vacuum       Vacuum
                                                                                                                                                        exhaust system
                    River water                                    Minerals                                                                                                        Mirror                     Exit slit
                    Wastewater                                     Glass                                                                           CPU
                    Soil                                           Ceramics
                    Sludge                                                                                                                              Radio frequency
                    Airborne dust                                                                                                                       generator controller                            Holographic
                                                                                                                                           PC                                                           double grating
                                                                                                                                         (Windows)                                                                             Axial
                            Peroleum / Chemisry / Polymers              Medicine / Biology / Food products                                              Radio frequency                                                        observation
                                                                                                                                                        generator                  Mirror        Spectrometer  Entrance slit   attachment
                     Petroleum                                     Blood
                     Oil                                           Organisms                                                                                                                                                   Plasma torch
                     Catalysts                                     Plants                                                                               Temperature control
                     Chemical products                             Medicines                                                                                                             Heater                   Mass
                                                                   Food products                                                                                                                                  flow controller
                                                                                                                                                        Gas controller
                                                                                                                                                         Autosampler controller
                                            Aqueous solutions     Organic solvents

                   Elements analyzed by the ICPS-7510   1 ppb and below  Between 1 and 10 ppb  Between 10 and 100 ppb  100 ppb and above

                     1a   2a  3b   4b   5b  6b   7b        8        1b   2b   3a   4a  5a   6a   7a   0                               The routine analysis setting                       Spectrometer temperature regulation
                       1                                                                               2                              supports analytical work                           to achieve precision with stability
                     H                                                                               He
                                                                                                                                      The routine analysis setting is convenient in analyses such as water   The main spectrometer and the spectrometer for internal standard
                       3    4                                                   5   6    7    8    9   10                             quality  inspection  and  quality  control  where  analysis  is  repeated   method (option) are constantly regulated to a fixed temperature to
                     Li  Be        SHIMADZU INDUCTIVELY                       B    C   N    O    F   Ne
                                   COUPLED PLASMA SPECTROMETER                                                                        under set analytical conditions.                   maintain  a  high  degree  of  precision  and  stability  in  the  analytical
                      11   12                                                  13   14   15   16  17   18                             Continuous  analysis  can  be  executed  under  multiple  analytical   results.
                     Na  Mg                                                   Al   Si   P   S    Cl  Ar                               conditions,  and  automatic  analysis  employing  the  autosampler
                      19   20   21   22  23   24   25   26  27   28   29   30  31   32   33   34  35   36                             (option) can achieve significant labor savings.    The optimal plasma power controls
                     K   Ca   Sc   Ti   V   Cr   Mn   Fe   Co  Ni   Cu   Zn  Ga   Ge   As   Se   Br  Kr
                                                                                                                                                                                         high precision analysis
                      37   38   39   40  41   42   43   44  45   46   47   48  49   50   51   52  53   54                                                          Option
                     Rb   Sr   Y   Zr  Nb   Mo   Tc   Ru   Rh  Pd   Ag   Cd   In  Sn   Sb   Te   I   Xe                                                                                  The  optimal  power  settings  are  made  automatically  in  order  to
                                                                                                                                                        Routine   Autosampler            execute high precision analysis with the best plasma flame.
                      55   56 *      72  73   74   75   76  77   78   79   80  81   82   83   84  85   86                                Routine
                     Cs  Ba   L    Hf   Ta   W   Re   Os   Ir  Pt   Au   Hg   Tl  Pb   Bi   Po   At  Rn                                    work         analysis  Continuous analysis
                                                                                                                                                                  under multiple analytical
                      87   88 **                                                                                                                                  conditions
                     Fr  Ra   A                                                                                                                                                          The mass flow controller controls
                                                                                                                                                                                         the gas flow rate for stable analysis
                    *      57   58   59  60   61   62   63  64   65   66   67  68   69   70   71  Detection limits                    The  setting  of  analytical  conditions,  the  condition  of  the   Control over the gas flow rate is exercised through the digital mass
                     L   La   Ce   Pr  Nd   Pm   Sm   Eu  Gd   Tb   Dy   Ho   Er  Tm   Yb   Lu  of the ICPS-7510                      instruments, and the settings of each type of controller required in   flow  controller.  This  prevents  variations  in  analytical  precision
                                                                                                 1 ppb and below                      analysis are all controlled with the PC.           caused by changes in the gas flow rate.
                    **     89   90   91  92   93   94   95  96   97   98   99  100  101  102  103  Between 1 and 10 ppb
                     A   Ac   Th   Pa   U   Np   Pu   Am  Cm   Bk   Cf   Es  Fm   Md   No   Lr  Between 10 and 100 ppb
                                                                                                100 ppb and above
     4                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Sequential Plasma Emission Spectrometer  5
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8