Page 4 - Shimadzu GCMS-QP2010 SE
P. 4

˙   Improve Efficiency with Simple Operations for both Sample and
                Data Analysis

             GC/MS analyses require optimization of many operating parameters. Data analysis may require many calibrations to be performed,
             and many unknowns to be quantified with results reported. GCMSsolution workstation software combines ease of use with versatile
             functionality to effectively perform these tasks.
                                                            Libraries can be searched by simply right-clicking on mass
                                                            spectra. Search results are automatically registered in the
                                                            spectrum process table. Qualitative processing operations can
                                                            be performed easily and efficiently as well.

                    Retention Time Adjustment Function               Versatile Report Customization

               The AART (Automatic Adjustment of Retention    The report format can be edited so that the items to be
               Time) function can estimate the retention times of   output can be pasted a blank report window in the desired
               target components from retention indices and the   positions and with the desired sizes. In addition, the
               retention times of an alkane standard mix*.    [Solution] window can be copied and pasted into
               * Requires alkane mix which is sold separately.  MS-Word or other documents.

             ˙   Quantitation Browser for Effective Quantitation

             Browser is an off-line program allowing
             the user to perform statistical analyses
             and monitor quality control from batch
             runs or on multiple data files. Quickly
             apply modified method post-run
             processing parameters to previously run
             data and instantly see the new results.

                                                                                      GCMS-QP2010 SE
                                                                                             Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer
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