Page 5 - Shimadzu eTOC series
P. 5

World’s first technology in the world’s smallest and lightest*  casing

 World- rst*  TOC analyzer using mercury-free excimer lamp  Large indicator and display screen on a small casing
 Excimer lamps emit high-energy 172 nm wavelength light by inducing a dielectric barrier discharge within a xenon gas. The eTOC is   A smart user interface and the large touch-panel screen provide exceptional visibility and operability.
 the  rst TOC analyzer in the world to use a mercury-free excimer lamp.  The indicator clearly shows the analyzer's status, such as standby, measurement in progress, or active warning.
 The eTOC also features new “Active-Path” technology for transferring energy from the lamp to the sample. It ef ciently irradiates   There is no need to squint at a small monochrome screen or go to a separately located monitor or controller to con rm data and
 the sample inside the lamp with ultraviolet light to reliably oxidize organic matter.  perform operations.
 This new Shimadzu technology achieves both high measurement performance and high environmental performance.
 *1: According to August 2020 Shimadzu survey of TOC analyzers with a multicolor display screen
 *2: According to August 2020 Shimadzu survey
                                                                  Measurements (blue)

 Technology  Active-Path
                                                                  Warnings (orange)
 The sample  ow channel is integrated with the lamp.
 The lamp surrounds the  ow channel to irradiate samples with UV light more
 ef ciently.                                                      Errors (red)
 The simple shape of the  ow channel minimizes contamination and carryover.
 The lamp's outer material blocks UV light, which prevents accidental eye injuries
 and unwanted ozone generation.
                                  Monitor view                                   Indicator
 ( lled with Xe gas)  Flow channel  Exterior blocks UV light



                                   Trend view                                    Table view

 Problems with Typical Analyzers
 Flow  Insuf ciently
 Flow channel  channel  irradiated  Small, lightweight casing provides installation  exibility
 Mercury  (helical con guration)
 lamp  Air layer
            The small and lightweight eTOC can be installed on a tabletop or mounted to a wall or pole using an optional bracket kit.
            In either case, a sampler can be attached to the side to calibrate the analyzer onsite.
 Sample IN  Sample OUT
            That offers the  exibility to choose the most convenient location for installation.

 Mercury lamp  Air layer
 Sample IN  Sample OUT  Insuf ciently irradiated
 • UV light does not reach samples ef ciently, because it is absorbed by the air layer.
 • Areas farther from the lamp are not irradiated suf ciently with light.
 • UV light generates ozone inside the analyzer.
                   Tabletop                       Wall-mounted                     Pole-mounted

                                                                                                eTOC series
 4                                                                                              On-Line TOC Analyzer for Pure Water  5
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