Page 7 - Shimadzu CLAM-2040
P. 7

No compromise.

               High efficiency and high comfort.

               IMPROVED EFFICIENCY                           MULTIPLEX ANALYSIS

               Higher throughput at a lower cost by reducing   Associated with the CLAM-2040, Shimadzu's
               manual operations. Open access system with no   LC/MS technology enables you to analyze several
               need for an intensive user training (meaning no   compounds simultaneously, leading to time
               additional cost).                             saving and overall cost reduction.

               24 HOURS / 7 DAYS CAPABILITY                  HIGHER USER COMFORT
               Run samples at night and weekends. Add        Decrease of manual operation makes the
               samples and consumables continuously with the   workflow more comfortable for the user.
               option to submit priority analysis requests for   Controlled safety creates peace of mind, and the
               urgent samples.                               intuitive software makes it effortless to run

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