Page 3 - Shimadzu CELL PICKER
P. 3

Pickup and Remove Cell Colonies  Stress-Free Operations

 with Complete Freedom  In Pursuit of Automation      AUTO CHANGER

               In addition to cell colony pickup, using the optional AUTO CHANGER automates related procedures, including the
 The CELL PICKER  system automates the pickup and removal of cell colonies using a pipetter.   installation of tips directly from the rack, transfer of the seeding plate, and linkage of the seeded wells with images of
               the cells collected.
 Easy-to-operate software simpli es the cell pickup process.
 Cell pickup can be made even easier by connecting AUTO CHANGER, new optional equipment   Tip  Cell Collection
                                        Attachment                              and
 designed with automation in mind.                                          Image Capturing*

 Stress-Free Operations  P.3-5  Ensuring Traceability  P.6-8

 Unstable and delicate procedures during cell pickup are   Procedural control and standardization are ensured by
 automated, so the operator can focus on the cell selection   methods (procedural conditions). In addition, images of the   *An image can be captured automatically before and after collection.
 process. The software is simple to operate.  cells can be recorded automatically before and after pickup.

              Seeding                            Cell Seeding


                                                                                        Check the video to see how
 AUTO CHANGER                                                                             CELL PICKER works.

               This shows the steps that can be automated using CELL PICKER on its own or with the AUTO CHANGER.
               System con guration can be selected according to the steps you want to automate.

                               Manual Steps                CELL PICKERʴAUTO CHANGER          CELL PICKER

                  Moving the cultivation vessel and searching for cells  No                      No
                  Determining a target                               No                          No       Loaded one at
                                                                                                          Loaded one at
                                                                                                          a time manually
                                                                                                          a time manually
                  Attaching a tip to the pipetter                    Yes                   Partially Supported
 CELL PICKER System Equipped
                  Collecting cells                                   Yes                         Yes  Transferred one well
                                                                                                     Transferred one well
                                                                                                     at a time manually
                                                                                                     at a time manually
                  Determining the seeding positions                  Yes                         No
 ɾConstruction of cell strains (genome editing cells, iPS cells)
 Main             Seeding                                            Yes                         Yes
 Applications  ɾRecovery of spheroids  Discarding the tip            Yes                         Yes

                                                                Note:  AUTO CHANGER  This logo indicates a feature of systems equipped with AUTO CHANGER.

                                                                                                CELL PICKER
 2                                                                                        Automated Picking and Collecting of Cell Colonies  3
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