Corporate Philosophy


    Based on the essence of our corporate philosophy, Shimadzu Group members established the Corporate Code of Ethics as policies for the specific behavior and duties that we should strive to achieve as a member of society.
    We are committed to grow in conjunction with society and contribute to prosperous future of human beings.

    Corporate Philosophy

    Contributing to Society through Science and Technology

    Management Principle

    Realizing Our Wishes for the Well-being of Mankind and the Earth

    Shimadzu Group Corporate Code of Ethics

    Principles of Conduct

    1. Contribution to the “Well-being of Mankind and the Earth”

    (1) Contribution to Human Health

    We will uphold the company spirit of promoting employee health, which has continued since the company was founded in 1875. In addition, by supplying leading-edge scientific technologies and services, we will help ensure the health of employees and society and promote the growth and prosperity of our businesses.

    (2) Global Environmental Conservation

    Recognizing that tackling environmental problems is an important issue for our corporate identity, we shall voluntarily and actively strive to contribute to the conservation of the global environment and the well-being of mankind.

    2. Respect for Human Rights

    We shall respect the rights of the individual and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, language, nationality, religion, physical handicaps, beliefs, or for any other reason. Also, we shall respect the human rights of all employees, recognize diversity, and strive to maintain a working environment that allows individual employees to express, through their work, their creativity and individuality, to freely strive for self-actualization, and to continuously make valuable contributions to the company.

    3. Contribution to the industry and society

    From a long-term, global perspective, through the development of original technology, we shall provide high-quality products and services that society truly needs at reasonable prices on a timely basis, thereby contributing to society through business. We shall also strive for harmony with local communities and execute our social responsibilities.

    4. Corporate Governance

    (1) Fairness and Transparency

    We shall observe all applicable laws, regulations, and other social norms and act openly and fairly in our business activities that are developed in various countries or when representing the company in our private lives.

    (2) Cultivation and Maintaining Relationships with Stakeholders

    We shall cultivate and maintain a relationship of trust with our stakeholders, including our customers, shareholders, business partners, employees, and regional communities. For this purpose, we shall disclose mutually beneficial information suitably, appropriately, and intelligibly for smooth and reciprocal communications. We shall consider and incorporate external opinions, expectations and other information appropriately into our business activities promptly.

    Conduct Guidelines

    1. Putting compliance into practice

    In both our business activities and when representing the company in our daily lives, we shall respect and observe all applicable laws, regulations, and other social norms.

    2. Fair and free competition and appropriate transactions

    We shall conduct appropriate business transactions with common sense and for the benefit of each other, in compliance with the competition laws of each country that prohibit unfair competition and acts that restrict transactions (bid-rigging, etc.). In addition, we shall comply with the laws and regulations of each country and moderate our relations with related parties in the course of our duties (public servants, private business partners and related, etc.).

    3. Respect for human rights and diversity

    We shall respect the human rights of all employees and accept their diversity. We shall also create a vibrant workplace free from harassment.

    4. Sustainable economic growth and solutions to the challenges in society through business activities

    We shall strive to provide the products and services that society truly needs while contributing to sustainable economic growth and actively addressing social issues.

    5. Providing the reliable products and services

    We shall give top priority to providing products and services that are safe, secure and trusted by our customers.

    6. Develop science and technology ethics

    We shall treat science and technology very seriously, maintaining fairness, sincerity, and responsibility for all decisions and actions in processes ranging from R&D to service.

    7. Health and safety management

    We shall create a comfortable working environment that gives consideration to health and safety. We also support work-life balance and strive to maintain and improve employees’ health.

    8. Disclosure and conveying accurate information

    In order to fulfill our accountability, we shall strive to disclose and convey accurate information to stakeholders (Customers, shareholders, business partners, employees, communities, etc.) in a sincere, fair, and timely manner and to achieve smooth communication.

    9. Contribution to society

    We shall strive for cooperation and harmony with society and promote social contribution activities.

    10. Global Environmental Conservation

    We shall conserve the global environment and strive to achieve a sustainable society.

    11. Be thorough in risk management

    We shall thoroughly implement appropriate risk management in preparation for actions by anti-social forces, cyberattacks, natural disasters, etc.




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