ALTRACE — Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer

Detect trace elements with ease.A combination of optical system design and Shimadzu's proprietary high-speed signal processingtechnology allows ALTRACE to reach new heights in terms...

OAD-TOF system — Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer system Equipped with Ion Dissociation Technology

Radicalize Your Mass Spectrometer to Solve Unanswered Questions The OAD-TOF system is a Q-TOF LCMS that realizes OAD (Oxygen Attachment Dissociation), Shimadzu's proprietary fragmentation technology....

LCMS-TQ RX Series — Triple Quadrupole LC-MS/MS

Ultrafast Track to Your Success Innovative technology, exceptional design and new ways of thinking are part of our engineering DNA delivering solutions for the ever-changing...

ELEM-SPOT™ — Element Selective Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer

Limit sales to areas where utilities can be procured and systems can be supported. Biomass energy, chemical recycling, and other new technologies are being researched...

MAP-100 — Microplastic automatic preparation device

This automatic preparation device isolates microplastics contained in environmental surface water. The presence of microplastics in environmental surface water such as oceans, rivers, and lakes...

MUP-3100 — Fully Automated Sample Preparation Module for Glycan Analysis

Automatic Pretreatment of Modified Glycans from Antibodies in Culture Supernatants Stable performance eliminates differences between analysts, providing peace of mind Shimadzu developed the MUP-3100 Fully Automated...

GCMS-QP2050 — Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer

Red Dot Design Award 2024 The business environments and needs involved in analysis work change on a continual basis.The next-generation GCMS-QP2050 gas chromatograph mass spectrometer,...

MALDI EasyCare — Upgrade for the MALDI-8000 series

Increase uptime Maintain optimal performance of your system using MALDI EasyCare to manually clean the ion optics and autotune the instrument. Key features Provides access to self-service...

ICPMS-2040/2050 Series — ICP Mass Spectrometer

An Era Without CompromiseShimadzu’s ICPMS-2040 Series / ICPMS-2050 Series of ICP Mass Spectrometers has achieved a harmonious blend of environmental-friendliness and analytical performance through its...

Brevis™ GC-2050 — Gas Chromatograph

"Smaller, simpler, and easier to use – without compromising performance." That’s the demand from analysts. And that’s why Shimadzu developed the Brevis GC-2050. This...