C2MAP System

C2MAP System — Cell Culture Media Analysis Platform

LC/MS/MS Cell Culture Media Analysis Platform Capable of Obtaining Temporal Change Profiles for Up to 95 Culture Supernatant Components Visualization of Temporal Change for Component...

CLAM-2040 — Fully Automated Sample Preparation Module for LCMS

Fully Automated Sample Preparation Module for LCMS CLAM-2040 The CLAM-2040 accompanies you on most of the analytical workflow and improves your overall throughput by drastically reducing...

LCMS-9050 — Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer

Accelerate Discovery The LCMS-9050 is a quadrupole Time-of-Flight (Q-TOF) mass spectrometer system designed with technologies developed for Shimadzu LCMS series models and that results in...

DPiMS-8060 — Kit for Direct Probe Ionization Mass Spectrometer

A triple quadrupole mass spectrometer with a DPiMS-8060 kit installed can acquire trace sample quantities using a probe and analyze component masses in...

DPiMS™ QT — Kit for Direct Probe Ionization Mass Spectrometer

The DPiMS QT probe electrospray ionization kit is attached to a quadrupole time-of-flight MS. The probe allows extremely small sample volumes to be...
Exact Mass Database

Exact Mass Database for Endogenous Metabolites

Ready-to-use methods for metabolomics The physical properties of target compounds in metabolomics can vary greatly. An analysis method tailored to the target compounds is therefore...

LCMS-8060NX — Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer

The LCMS-8060NX is a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer with world-class sensitivity and detection speeds. It boasts increased robustness and ease of use as...
XSeeker 8000

XSeeker 8000 — Microfocus X-Ray CT System

XSeeker™ 8000 - Designed for Simplicity The XSeeker 8000 bench-top X-ray computed tomography (CT) system is equipped with a high-output X-ray generator and a high-resolution flat...
Xctal 5000

Xctal 5000 — Phase-Contrast X-Ray CT System

X-Ray Observations Enter a New Phase The Xctal 5000 is a new X-ray CT system that creates images of X-ray phase shifts.In addition to the...
Xslicer SMX-6010

Xslicer SMX-6010 — Microfocus X-Ray Inspection System

Xslicer SMX-6010 is a planer X-ray inspection system, featuring a micro-focus X-ray generator and a 3 megapixel flat panel detector.It delivers high-accuracy images...