MALDI EasyCare

Increase uptime

Maintain optimal performance of your system using MALDI EasyCare to manually clean the ion optics and autotune the instrument.

Key features

Key features
  • Provides access to self-service routine maintenance allowing you to restore performance
  • Reduces engineer call-outs, saving time, increasing uptime
  • Safe, easy, removal / re-fit of ion optics
  • Automated software tuning of deflector and detectors
  • No technical expertise required due to software wizard guidance
  • Easy upgrade of MALDI-8020 and MALDI-8030 instruments* using software licence
    *EasyCare-ready versions only
  • Ideal for demanding applications such as MALDI imaging and high-throughput analysis of biological samples
  • Easy integration into the laboratory with benchtop platform

Upgrade for the MALDI-8000 series

Upgrade to suit your workflow:

  • MALDI-8020 and dual-polarity MALDI-8030* can be upgraded with MALDI EasyCare functionality using software licence activation from the upgrade kit
    *EasyCare-ready versions only.
  • Upgrading to MALDI EasyCare provides you the control you need over increasing uptime with demanding applications such as MALDI imaging and high-throughput analysis of biological samples
Expanded range in MALDI-8000 series

Manual source cleaning

Easily remove, clean and re-fit ion optics to restore performance.

Easy access route to ion optics
Remove / re-fit ion optics with simple twist action
Clean ion optics

Automated software tuning

  • No technical expertise is required – step-by-step guidance provided by the software wizard.
  • Redirect your laboratory time to value-added activities to improve your productivity – when tuning slide is inserted the software performs the tuning of deflectors and detector for you 
Software wizard provides ‘read-and-click’ guidance and progress information

Software wizard provides ‘read-and-click’ guidance and progress information

  • Automated deflector tuning by software
  • Automated detector tuning by software

MALDI-8000 series provides class-leading performance

  • MALDI-8020 EasyCare and MALDI-8030 EasyCare retain the same performance as the MALDI-8020 and MALDI-8030
  • The class leading mass resolution and sensitivity provides great value and outstanding data you need for MALDI imaging workflows
MALDI-8000 series provides class-leading performance

Immunohistochemistry MALDI mass spectrometry imaging (IHC-MALDI MSI) of  human tonsil using 20 probes in a single analysis (MALDI image above produced from overlay of probes for CD44 (m/z 1102)CD11b (m/z 1467) and CD20 (m/z 996); full list of probes analysed in experiment listed below)

Experiment details: 30138 profiles acquired at 200 Hz laser speed over duration of 4 hrs 11 mins in positive ion mode at 30 µm spatial resolution on MALDI-8020. Matrix deposition with Shimadzu automated sublimation device iMLayer using DHB MALDI matrix

20-plex markers: CD11b, CD20 , CD3e, CD4, CD44, CD45RO, CD45RA, CD68 , CD8α, ECAD, GZMB, HER2, Histone H3, Ki67, NCAM1 (CD56), PD1, PDGFR-B, PDPN, PR-A/B, PTEN. Probes provided by AmberGen 


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