Thursday, September 19, 2024

Analytical Instruments

Analytical Instruments are used to determine type and contents of substances in a sample substance by using many kind of techniques that Shimadzu has been consistently developing high-level technology and efficiency for over than 130 years to developing our World Science & Technology.

MALDI-8020 — Benchtop Linear MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometer

A compact footprint without compromising on performance The MALDI-8020 is the latest in a long line of MALDI-TOF products from Shimadzu. This benchtop, linear MALDI-TOF...

OAD-TOF system — Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer system Equipped with Ion...

Radicalize Your Mass Spectrometer to Solve Unanswered Questions The OAD-TOF system is a Q-TOF LCMS that realizes OAD (Oxygen Attachment Dissociation), Shimadzu's proprietary fragmentation technology....

Nexera UC — Supercritical Fluid Extraction/Chromatograph System

Advances in column technology have led to a renewed interest in supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC), which uses a supercritical fluid as mobile phase. Compared...

AIM-9000 — Infrared Microscope

SHIMADZU AlMs to provide analysis systems for all users. The system is automated to ensure all steps involved in micro analysis can be performed quickly...

GCMS-TQ8050 NX — Ultra-High-Sensitivity Triple Quadrupole GC-MS for Pioneering New Fields

The Shimadzu triple-quad GCMS-TQ8050 NX is capable of performing unprecedented quantitative GC-MS/MS analyses of ultra-trace amounts, down to the femtogram level. Equipped with a...

ON-LINE TOC-VCSH — On-line TOC Analyzer

TOC Analyzer Combustion Catalytic Oxidation/NDIR Method Model Combustion catalytic oxidation / NDIR method The functionality for continuous automatic measurement has bee added to the ability...

AA-6880 — Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

Boosting Analytical Productivity of AAS to a Higher Stage Enhanced Flame Analysis World-Class High-Sensitivity Furnace Evolving System Configuration Advanced Safety Technolgy Major Fields of Application Environment Seawater, river water, effluent, sludge,...

LCMS-2020 — Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer

Ultra high-speed mass spectrometer compatible for the first time with ultra high-speed liquid chromatography UFLC Quality - Speed is Power. LCMS-2020 is optimized for the Prominence...

iMLayer — Matrix Vapor Deposition System

The iMLayer matrix vapor deposition system is sample pretreatment (application of matrix) in order to perform MALDI-MS imaging using an analysis system such as...

Nexera Bio — Biocompatible Liquid Chromatograph

Nexera Bio is a biocompatible UHPLC system offering the same superior reliability, robustness, and expandability as our flagship Nexera UHPLC systems. But, Nexera Bio...