Thursday, September 19, 2024

Life Science Lab

Instruments in the life science group are for applications in biotechnological
and biochemical researches.

MALDI EasyCare — Upgrade for the MALDI-8000 series

Increase uptime Maintain optimal performance of your system using MALDI EasyCare to manually clean the ion optics and autotune the instrument. Key features Provides access to self-service...

PPSQ-51A/53A — Protein Sequencer

The PPSQ is an instrument for determining the amino acid sequences of proteins and peptides, which combines an Edman reaction section with a high...

AXIMA Assurance — MALDI TOF-TOF Mass Spectrometer

High Performance Mass Detection Linear MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for reliable mass information.An affordable, robust option for all laboratories requiring routine manual or automated analysis of...

iMScope QT — Imaging Mass Microscope

Inheriting the concept of a mass spectrometer equipped with an optical microscope from the iMScope series, the iMScope QT is also Shimadzu's flagship model...