Revolutionary Fusion of Advanced Analytical Capabilities and Superb Operability Technology at the Pinnacle of Evolution Finally Arrives High Sensitivity, High Accuracy, High Resolution, and Easy-to-Understand Operation
Both hardware and software incorporate the latest technologies to create the next generation of EPMA. New functions that offer simple and easy-to-understand operation have been added to the superb basic EPMA performance that Shimadzu has fostered over many years – high sensitivity, high accuracy, and high resolution – to allow the EPMA’s capabilities to be exploited to the fullest. While easy enough for even novices to use, it also supports sophisticated analysis by experienced users.
Optimum X-Ray Spectrometer Design Offers Highly Sensitive and Accurate Analysis
Maintains the 52.5° X-ray take-off angle that is fundamental to analytical performance.

Johanson-type analyzing crystal achieves perfect convergence.

Shimadzu applied its unique crystal manufacturing expertise fostered through the company’s long traditions to offer analyzing crystals that deliver both high sensitivity and high resolution. The Johanson-type analyzing crystal achieves perfect convergence with no aberration.
EPMA-1720 accommodates up to five 4-inch spectrometers that offer both high sensitivity and high resolution.

The Rowland circle radius in the X-ray spectrometer is an important factor affecting the EPMA analytical performance. Increasing the radius of the Rowland circle by one inch reduces the detection sensitivity by more than 30%. Shimadzu EPMA instruments accommodate up to five 4-inch spectrometers to cover the entire spectral range.
Unprecedented Easy Operation Boosts Work Efficiency from SEM Observation to Analysis
The optical microscope image appears on the same monitor as the SEM image. The sensitivity is extremely high.

Start SEM imaging with a single click.

Just click the [Auto SEM] button to start SEM imaging using the preset conditions.
Simple, quick, and accurate adjustment of the beam current, while maintaining focus

Simply designate the target beam current for quick and accurate automatic setting. Interlocking control ensures that focus is maintained when the beam current is changed.
Simple and Easy-to-Understand Operations for All Analyses
This system is equipped with a number of new functions to enable simple and easy-to-understand operations. These include advanced operational performance, with all operations controlled using just a mouse, as well as a user interface designed to be easy to understand, and a built-in easy mode analysis. While easy enough for even novices to use, it also supports sophisticated analysis by experienced users.
- Easy operations for everything from sample mounting to report generation
- Even novices can easily perform everything from sample searching to SEM imaging.
- Unprecedented operability dramatically heightens operational efficiency prior to the start of the analysis.
- Visually, the user interface is designed to be easy to understand.
- Equipped with an easy mode analysis that automates all processes up to generating reports.