Our Promise to the Future

“Contributing to society through science and technology”
This has been our corporate philosophy since the founding of the company.

As eras change, new industries are born and needs change accordingly.
To contribute to a society changing at a dizzying pace, we broke new ground. In every instance, the challenges we faced were by no means easy.
Nevertheless we pressed forward, encouraged by the voices of uncompromising scientists and researchers who shared our goals, accumulating technology and delivering solutions.

The trust we have earned over our 150 years of history is truly our greatest asset.
We now have a great opportunity to leverage that asset.

Society stands at a great crossroads.
One hundred and fifty years ago, the world’s population amounted to fewer than one billion. Soon that number will approach ten billion. Average lifespans have also risen significantly, but many people are unable to spend their final years of life in good health.
Humanity’s efforts to secure the food and energy needed to support such a large population while maintaining the quality of the environment is causing the Earth, our home, to cry out in distress.
As humanity faces unprecedented challenges, the expectations placed on science and technology are higher than ever.

As we move forward, we must pool our strength with even more scientists and researchers than before.
We must accelerate innovation that transcends national borders, and hasten to create systems meeting the needs of each region. Where can we utilize our accumulated technologies and knowledge? We will also focus on proposing possible paths to solution with our hands.
Because our employees are charged with this task, we will not hesitate to create environments that empower each of them to discover his or her dreams and stride confidently toward their realization.

What can we do to realize our wishes for the well-being of mankind and the earth?
What else can we do for the future of our planet and the people who live on it?
As we celebrate 150 years of operation, we look forward to continuing our search for answers. I hope you will look forward to more great things to come from Shimadzu.

President and CEO Yasunori Yamamoto

SHIMADZU 150th Anniversary


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