Vacuum Pump & Aspirator
Diaphragm Vacuum Pump NVP-1000・NVP-2000・NVP-2100
Corrosion proof, dry vacuum pump made wholly of Tefron® and Karlez®.
Oil Rotary Vacuum Pump GLD・GCD
Small sized, high-performance vacuum pump.
Highly anti-crrosive model (GCD).
With oil filtration cassette (GCD-F).
Small, high performance model (GLD).
Aspirator A-1000S
Highly recommended for use in an area lacking water service or where it is difficult to obtain constant water supply pressure.
Aspirator AS-2・AS-3・AT-1B
Metal Aspirator and Teflon Aspirator
Vacuum Pump Controller
Vacuum Controller NVC-3000
Vacuum controller with excellent control functions. Connecting this unit to evaporator significantly improves the recovery rate of general solvents such as dichloromethane, benzene or trichloroethylene etc.