
Multi Thermo Incubator MTI-201B,202B
For cultivating multi temparature testing . Separate temparature setting for 5 chambers

Environmental Chamber KCL-2000A,2000W
Temperature and humidity control for environmental testing for cultivation. Gradient temprature control.

Low Temperature Incubator LTE-510,1010
Precise programmed operation from -10℃ to 60℃

Incubator SLI-220,400,700,1200
Basic incubator for growing colon bacilli microorganism in cultures

Multi Funnel Shaker MMV-1000W
Inclined shaker for ncreased mixing efficiency . One touch mounting of sepration funnel.

Rotary Shaker MRM-1000
A unique compact shaker for triple motions.
Vertical rotation, Reciprocal, Reciprocal + Vibration

High speed mixer CM-1000
For extracting DNA and RNA, mixing and melting reagents and ELISA experiments

Water Bath Shaker NTS-4000A,4000B,4000C
Highly durable and silent mechanism . 3 types available to cover small / large volume samples