Page 110 - Shimadu Consumables Catalog
P. 110

Pretreatment Columns

           Shim-pack MAYI Series

           Due to optimized particle size and a newly developed coating technology, the MAYI series online pretreatment column is highly
           effective in deproteinization and offers long-term stability. It provides excellent reproducibility even for continuous analysis of
           multiple analytes.

              How the Shim-pack MAYI Series Works
           The outer surfaces of silica gel (50 μm) are coated with a hydrophilic polymer, so that only
           the interior of pores are chemically modified by octadecyl radicals (ODS). Since proteins and
           other macromolecules cannot enter the pores and are blocked by the hydrophilic polymer on
           the outer surfaces, they are quickly eluted without being retained by the ODS solid phase. In
           contrast, pharmaceuticals and other induced low molecular weight compounds penetrate the
           pores and are retained by the inner surfaces of the stationary phase.

              Quick and Reliable Protein Removal

           The newly developed hydrophilic polymer coating technology quickly and reliably removes macromolecules, such as protein, from
           injected biological samples to achieve high recovery rates for target components. In addition to securely protecting analytical
           columns and LC/MS interfaces, this also helps reduce the time required for finishing the analysis.

              Outstanding Durability
           Due to the polymer coating technology and particle size optimization, stable data can be obtained for long periods. The figure below
           shows results from 300 consecutive injections of 100 μL of blood plasma. No decrease in the deproteinization rate or degradation of
           peak shape was observed.

                         Comparison of 1st and 300th Analyses
           Samples   :  Isopropylantipyrine added Blood plasma
                       Sample solution: 0.1% phosphoric acid and acetonitrile mixture (95:5)
                       Dilution: 8 times
           Detection   :  Analysis: 275 nm, Blood plasma matrix: 280 nm
           Injection Vol.  :  100 μL

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