Page 18 - Guide to Lithium-ion Battery Solutions
P. 18

Organic / Inorganic Component Analysis

                  Comparison of components between new and deteriorated electrolyte solutions                                           Qualitative analysis of solvents and trace additives used in electrolyte solutions

                                                       Ion Chromatograph                                                                                                        Single Quadrupole GC-MS

                                                       HIC-ESP                                                                                                                  GCMS-QP 2020 NX
                                                       •   Evaluation of products generated by decomposition of                                                                 •   Evaluation of reaction products generated by deterioration
                                                         electrolyte                                                                                                            •   Qualitative analysis of unknown components that cannot be
                                                       •   Shorten analysis time by utilizing a column switching system                                                           identified only by retention time information

                  Lithium hexafluorophosphate is commonly used as the electrolyte solution. It is hydrolyzed by the trace amount of water   The electrolyte solution in a Lithium-ion Battery is composed of organic solvent (mainly carbonate-based), electrolyte and
                  contained in the electrolyte solution. Fluoride ions generated by this decomposition affect battery performance, so   additives. It is important to evaluate the electrolyte solution and the deterioration state of the electrolyte solution due to
                  analysis of decomposition is important in the quality control process.                                                charging and discharging. GCMS is useful for the analysis of those constituents.

                         Purpose                                        Samples                                                                Purpose                                        Samples

                  Evaluation of Lithium Hexafluorophosphate      Electrolyte Solution                                                   Solvents used in electrolyte solution and       Electrolyte Solution
                  Decomposition in Electrolyte Solution          (New, deteriorated: accelerated deterioration test)                    component analysis of additives

                         Data                                                                                                                  Data

                          Chromatogram of Electrolyte Solution (New)  Chromatogram of Electrolyte Solution (Degraded Product)

                         Result                                                                                                                Result

                  A peak was not detected in the new electrolyte solution (New), but only in the deteriorated electrolyte solution (Degraded   Dimethyl carbonate, ethyl methyl carbonate, and ethylene carbonate, which are used as solvents, were identified from
                  Product).                                                                                                             library search results. Vinylene carbonate, which was used as an additive, was also identified.

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