Page 36 - Solution SystemGC for Hydrocarbon
P. 36

Reformulated Fuel Analyzer - BT

            Nexis GC-2030BTA1

              Analyzer Description                     Typical Chromatogram

              System Configuration:
              ・ 1 valve / 2 columns (Packed) / WBI
                 Injector / FID
              Sample Information:
              ・ Aviation and motor gasoline fuel
              Compounds Analysed:
              ・ Benzene, Toluene and Butanone
              Typical  Concentration Range:
              ・ 0.001 % for Benzene and 0.02 %
                 for Toluene
              Reference Method:
              ・ ASTM D-3606

   Reformulated Fuel

              ・  Single channel con  gured with
                 dual packed columns to determine
                 benzene and toluene in aviation and
                 motor gasoline fuel
              ・  Independent heating valve system
                 to prevent condensation of sample
                 heavy components.
              ・  10 mins analysis time

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