Page 4 - Automotive Aerospace
P. 4

Even Lighter Innovative Materials

            Materials used in aircraft can be broadly categorized into metal,   window glass, interior material, and radome.
            non-metal, and composite materials. All of them are light but   Apart from applications as reinforcement in
            strong, and offer excellent machinability and heat resistance, and   glass-fiber-reinforced resins, glass materials are inserted between
            have been developed to provide the properties required for   the aircraft outer surface and interior lining as sound and
            aircraft.                                          thermal insulators.
            Metals are the major materials used in aircraft structures, of   As synthetic rubber materials offer better weather resistance,
            which the majority are aluminum alloys. Titanium alloys and   heat resistance, oil resistance, and chemical resistance than
            stainless steel are also used for parts around the afterburner and   natural rubber, they are widely used in gaskets, packing, hoses,
            for parts of the aircraft structure subjected to the jet exhaust.  duct couplings, and waterproof sheets. Natural rubber is
            Since plastics are light, easy to color-mold, and transparent to   commonly used in aircraft tires due to superior rubber elasticity,
            electromagnetic waves, and also good electrical and thermal   tear strength, and abrasion resistance mechanical properties.
            insulators, they are widely used in modern aircraft for the

                                         Stainless steel         Ceramics

                                                                                    Natural and
                                                                                  synthetic rubber
                   Titanium alloy

                                                                                                   Glass fiber

                         Aluminum alloy

                                                             Carbon fiber

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