Page 5 - Automotive Solution for Automotive
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Measuring the 3D internal/external geometry of sample interiors
Dimensional X-Ray CT System XDimensus 300 Operating camera
The highest level of sphere distance accuracy, with a measurement error of (3.8 + L/50)* µm. X-ray tube X-ray detector
In addition to Shimadzu's proprietary microfocus X-ray generator and a detector with high
resolution and a wide field of view, it is equipped with an air conditioning unit to maintain a Operating camera CT stage
constant temperature inside the instrument, a granite frame that provides high geometric
stability, and an ultra-high-accuracy sample positioning stage, thereby achieving highly
accurate measurements.
Hardness Compression Testing for Component Analysis/ Defect Analysis of Polymer Materials for Interiors
Foam Rubber of Car Seats IRTracer-100 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer, AIM-9000 Infrared Microscope
Precision Universal Testing Machines This system can judge the materials of plastics and rubber used in automobile interior parts and
JIS-based compression testing of battery materials, and can easily analyze their components, deterioration, and defects. Combined
foam rubber used in seats can be with a microscope, this system can analyze even smaller areas and residual quantities.
performed. This machine comprises Abs
exclusive accessories added onto an 0.2
Autograph precision universal 0.15
testing machine. 0.1
0.05 1726.29
4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 750
Infrared Spectrum Comparison of Polystyrene
(black: before UV irradiation, red: after UV irradiation)
Tensile Testing of Compositional Verification of Incoming Measurement of Spring
Seat Belts and Seats Materials and Evaluation of Plating Constant for Suspension
Precision Universal EDX-7000/8000/8100 Plate Spring Characteristics
Testing Machines Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometers Evaluation Instrument
The breaking This series of spectrometers is ideal for verifying the composition Belleville springs etc. for suspensions, dampers,
strength of seat (i.e. judging contaminants) of materials procured overseas or seats, and motors can be evaluated.
belts is measured. analyzing toxic elements for compliance with the ELV
Quality Control directive. It can also be used to evaluate the amount of
plating attached to bead wire
and steel cord used in tires
and to measure the weight of
Automobiles require a high level of safety performance, so performance standards product quality control departments perform strength evaluations and composition zinc phosphate chemical
have been established for the materials used in order to maintain safety during design. analyses of raw materials used in automobiles, including metals, resins, and raw conversion coatings.
The strength of materials is used for the standards. For this reason, strength must be materials with various other material properties. For strength evaluations, tensile,
evaluated when selecting materials to satisfy the standards and in acceptance compression, and bending tests, as well as hardness tests are used, while evaluations Hardness Evaluation of Surface Hardened Layers, Paints, Plated Layers, etc.
inspections. With metal materials, the strength of the material is largely determined by of material composition require inorganic element analysis and compound analysis. In
the composition, while with polymers, it is largely determined by the type and density addition to acceptance inspections in order to confirm that the materials purchased HMV-G Series Micro Hardness Testers
of the molecules used. As a result, a composition analysis of the materials must be from suppliers meet the required specifications, defect analyses are implemented This series of testers is widely used for measuring the hardness of quenched parts and testing the hardness of welded
performed in order to ensure that the strength of the material is stable. Therefore, during the manufacturing process, and are utilized for process improvements. parts. It automatically reads the distance across opposite corners of indents at a resolution of 0.09 µm (when a 40×
objective lens is used). Test Force: 98.07 mN to 19.61 N
Material Tests Used for Automobile Parts Quality Control of Pig Iron, Aluminum Alloy, Tensile Testing Evaluation of in-tank O-rings
and Die Cast Parts
AGX-V Series Precision Universal Testing Machines, UH-X/FX Series Universal Hydraulic Test Frames Precision Universal Testing Machines
PDA-7000/8000 Series Optical Emission Spectrometers
Tests of static characteristics of springs, failure tests of 16 O-rings can be continuously tested by the dedicated software. This highly versatile
parts, and strength evaluations of the various materials This series of spectrometers can be used for controlling the quality of pig iron and instrument also supports conventional manual testing.
used in automobile parts, including metals, plastics, aluminum die cast materials used in automobile parts. It adopts a proprietary horizontal
rubbers, and films, are required. These include spark stand and a time-resolved PDA spectroscopic method to improve analytical
acceptance inspections, the evaluation of materials sensitivity in the trace amount region.
selected, and tests to confirm changes in characteristics
due to machining. Tests can be performed in
accordance with ISO, ASTM, and other standards.
O-ring specimen
under tensile testing
O-ring specimen
set in place
50 kN Table-Top Model 100 kN Floor Model UH-X/FX Series
Suspension and Other Power Engines, Motors, and Lithium-Ion Rechargeable Electronic Instrumentation
Bodies and Interiors
Transmission Systems Power Sources Batteries and Fuel Cells Components
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