Page 19 - Shimadzu Journal vol.2 Issue2
P. 19


                                                                               LC/MS/MS Rapid Toxicology   Screening System Features pre-determined analytical  conditions, including MRM transitions, LC  separation conditions, retention times,  spectral libraries, and report files, enabling  rapid implementation of a screening  method for several classes of substances.  See the Nano World Come to Life  The new HR-SPM scanning probe microscope uses frequency  This instrument is not only capable of ultra-high resolution  observations in air or liquids, but for the first time enables  observations of hydration/solvation layers at solid-liquid interfaces. HR-SPM: High Resolution Scanning Probe Microscope - Noise in air and liquids is reduced t

                                  New Products         Shimadzu LC/MS/MS Method Packages provide fast, simultaneous analytical methods for multiple components in a variety of applications.  LC/MS/MS Method Package for   Lipid Mediators Enables simultaneous analysis of 130 lipid  mediators and related compounds derived  from arachidonic cascade and its   derivatives.   'PS 3FTFBSDI 6TF 0OMZ  /PU GPS 6TF JO %JBHOPTUJD 1SPDFEVSFT   SPM-8000FM  detection.  Features - Uses the FM-AFM method.    and liquids.
                                                    LC/MS/MS Solution System Packages

                                                                               LC/MS/MS Method Package for   Primary Metabolites Permits high-throughput analysis of 55  primary metabolites associated with the  glycolytic system, TCA cycle, and pentose  phosphate pathway as well as amino acids   and nucleotides.  Crude 2 Pure Purification/powderization after retention and concentration  of fractions of target compounds obtained by a preparative LC system  When purifying target compounds from extracts of natural products  and synthetic substances via preparative LC, powderization of the  target compounds of the fraction is an important process.  Ordinarily, it takes time to purify and powderize the target  compounds obtained by the preparat
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