Page 13 - GC-2050
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Best-in-Class Performance  Environmental

               Fast analysis of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH)
               using H 2 carrier gas with dual injectors
                                                                                     7500000  R 2 =0.9999
               Despite its compact body, the Brevis GC-2050 is capable               5000000
 Outstanding Analytical Reproducibility  of simultaneous dual-line analysis. In this example,
               dual-line, high-speed TPH analysis was performed to
 The Brevis GC-2050 provides best-in-class analytical precision. The latest auto-injector, AOC-30i, enables continuous   maximize analytical throughput with a single GC.  0  0  250  500  750  1000
                                                                                               Concentraion (µg/mL)
 analysis with a high level of precision that cannot be achieved with manual operation. In addition, the flow controller
                                                                                      Calibration curve of Mineral Oil.
 (AFC) with a built-in CPU supports constant linear velocity, constant flow rate, and constant pressure control of
 carrier gas to achieve outstanding analytical reproducibility with ultra-high speed and ultra-precise control.  C10

 Analytes  Area RSD(%)  Rt RSD(%)  Rt (   min)
 n-decane  0.209  0.005  0.0001  C20
                                        C30      C40
 n-octyl alcohol  0.211  0.006  0.0002
 2,6-Dimethyl phenol  0.232  0.006  0.0002
 n-undecane  0.211  0.007  0.0002
 2,6-Dimethyl aniline  0.230  0.007  0.0003
               0.0   1.0    2.0   3.0    4.0   5.0  min         0.0    1.0   2.0    3.0   4.0    5.0  min
 methyl n-nonanoate  0.249  0.007  0.0003
 methyl n-caprate  0.274  0.006  0.0003  Chromatogram of n-alkane mixture samples  Overlaid chromatograms of QC standard solutions
 methyl n-laurate  0.278  0.006  0.0003
 dicyclohexylamine  0.253  0.006  0.0004
 Continuous analysis of the Grob Test Mixture

 Application examples  Brevis GC-2050 enables analysis with He as the carrier gas and with   Chemical
 alternative carrier gases, N 2 and H2.
               Analysis of residual organic solvents in packaging
               materials using N 2 carrier gas with and the
               HS-20 NX headspace sampler
 Residual solvent analysis in pharmaceuticals according to USP <467> using H 2 carrier gas
               The headspace GC method is effective for analysis of
 Shown here are the results from an analysis of a standard solution for operating method A (water-soluble samples).   residual organic solvents in packaging materials, which
 In the analysis of carbon tetrachloride, which requires sensitivity confirmation, against residual solvents in Class 1, a   are solid samples, and providing high sensitivity and
 good S/N ratio was achieved. Furthermore, excellent separation analysis is possible for Methyl Isobutyl Ketone   reliability.
 (MIBK), which has been added to the Class 2 list.
 34  5 6 7  8  26 10  12 13
 Class 1  Class 2  23
 25  11  14 15                8
                                                                         4     5      7      8     11
 4                           7
 2  16  20  22                      11                                  Ethyl
                                                                       acetate  Methanol  i-Propanol  Ethanol  n-Propanol
                                           Data 1: Packaging material A
                            5                                 Packaging
 1                                                                     0.056  0.14   0.107  0.042  0.087
 2  18                                                        material A
 3  9                                           Data 2: Material B
 Class2A                                                      Material B  0.253      0.032
 19  21
 Class2B  17
 3.0  4.0  5.0  6.0  7.0  8.0  9.0  10.0  min   Data 3: Material C  Material C       0.08
 TBA, CPME  24
 MiBK  0.0  2.5  5.0  7.5  10.0  12.5  15.0  17.5  20.0  22.5  25.0  27.5  30.0  32.5  35.0  min
 1  1,1-Dichloroethane  4  Benzene              Data 4: Material D  Material D       0.01
 2  1,1,1-Trichloroethane  5  1,2-Dichloroethane  1  Methanol  7  Cyclohexane  13  m,p-Xylene  19  1,2-Dimethoxyethane  25  Cyclopentylmethyl ethe  Material E
 2  Acetonitrile  8  Methyl cyclohexane3  14  o-Xylene  20  Trichloroethene     (CPME)
 3  Carbon tetrachloride  3  Methylene chloride (DCM)  9  1,4-Dioxane  15  Cumene  21  Pyridine  26  Methyl isobutyl ketone  Data 5: Material E
 4  trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene  10  Toluene  16  Hexane  22  Methyl butyl ketone     (MiBK)
 5  cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene  11  Chlorobenzene  17  Nitromethane  23  Tetraline
 S/N(CCl4): ≥10  6  Tetrahydrofuran  12  Ethylbenzene  18  Chloroform  24  tert-Butyl alcohol (TBA)  3.0  4.0  5.0  6.0  7.0  8.0  9.0  10.0  11.0  12.0  13.0  14.0 min  Quantification results (mg/m ) 2
 12                                                                                                               13
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16