Page 3 - Shimadzu Plastic Analyzer
P. 3

Plastic Analyzer consists of the following.

                 Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer
                 Single-reflection ATR attachment
                 Plastic Analyzer method package
                 1. UV-Damaged Plastics Library* 1
                 2. Thermal-Damaged Plastics Library* 1
                 3. Macro Program for IR Pilot ™ /Parameter File* 2
                                                                                  IRSpirit™ + QATR™-S System

                                 • Navigates from measurement to analysis without complicated parameter settings.* 2
                                 • UV-damaged plastics library and thermal-damaged plastics library are compatible
                                   with any FTIR models controlled by LabSolutions IR.

                                                            *1: Purchasing/Using a library is available.
                                                            *2: Only available with IRSpirit Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer.
               1  UV-Damaged Plastics Library                   UV irradiation time

                                                                125 hrs
               This library includes more than 300 spectra from the UV degrada-  45 hrs
               tion  of  14  types  of  plastic.  This  proprietary  Shimadzu  library   15 hrs
               includes the IR spectra for plastics degraded by UV rays for the   0 hr
               equivalent of approximately 10 years using a super accelerated
               weathering chamber from Iwasaki Electric Co., Ltd.

                                                                  Hard PVC Spectra Listed in the UV-Damaged Plastics Library
               2  Thermal-Damaged Plastics Library                                      2 hrs heated at 350°C

               This library includes more than 100 spectra from the degradation               Non-heated
               of 13 types of plastic heated to between 200 and 400 °C.
                 This  proprietary  Shimadzu  library  contains  IR  spectra  for
               plastics degraded by heating, acquired through measurements at
               the  Hamamatsu  Technical  Support  Center  at  the  Industrial
               Research Institute of Shizuoka Prefecture.

                                                                Polyethylene Spectra Listed in the Thermal-damaged Plastics Library
               3  Macro Program and Parameters

               The system includes plastic measurement parameters and IR Pilot, a special program for IRSpirit that simplifies spectral measurements
               and the creation of reports, enabling analysts to perform everything from the measurement of target samples to data analysis easily.
               Even users unfamiliar with FTIR analysis can start work immediately.

                          IR Pilot, a Special Program for IRSpirit  Report Output       Sample Positioning
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