Page 5 - Shimadzu Fully Automatic Concrete Compression
P. 5

Fully Automatic Concrete Compression Testing Machine  Measurement Controller (Operation Unit)

 Standard Specifications

 Loading Unit       Easy-to-See Display for Both Digital               Semi-Auto-Tuning Function Enables
 Max. capacity  2000 kN  3000 kN  and Analog Measurements              High-Precision Stress Control
 P/N  346-45850-10  Special-order product
 Upper and lower compression plate size  Ø220 mm  Ø220 mm              (compliant with JIS A1106 and A1108 concrete testing standards)
                    The analog indicator is large, with a 450-mm diameter. The digital display is
 Distance between compression plates  Max. 800 mm  Max. 900 mm  located within the same field of view to ensure even small changes in test force   Contr ol parameters ar e   Concrete Test Control Function
 Effective distance between columns  440 mm  540 mm  are not overlooked, such as at the yield point.  semi-auto-tuned in real time,   Test force
 Test stroke  150 mm  150 mm                                           based on test force values   Automatic
                                                                       measured during testing. This   detection  Break detection
 Max. loading speed*  Max. 30 mm/min (60 Hz)  Max. 30 mm/min (60 Hz)
 Max. 25 mm/min (50 Hz)  Max. 25 mm/min (50 Hz)  Analog test force indicator  Peak force indicator  eliminates the need for
                    Digital test force indicator      Allows viewing both yield point   preliminary testing and makes it
 Size  (W) 860 × (D) 620 × (H) 2250 mm  (W) 1070 × (D) 710 × (H) 2600 mm  and peak test force at a single   easy to perform highly precise   1 %FS
 Power supply capacity  Approx. 5 kVA  Approx. 7 kVA  glance.          stress-controlled testing. The                Time
 3-phase, 200//220 V, 50/60 Hz                                                                     Stress speed control  Valve-retained control
                                                                       semi-auto-tuning function also   Constant-speed ram stroke control
 *When unloaded and at a minimum oil temperature of 20 °C.             allows the user to perform   Stress speed can be controlled, in conformance with the concrete
                                                                       stress-controlled testing of   compression strength test method described in JIS A 1108.
 CCH series
                                                                       concrete as described in JIS A
                                                                       1106 and A 1108.
                                                                       Note: Requires TRAPEZIUM X.
 Loading Unit
                                                                       USB Memory Enables Performing Tests
 Max. capacity  2000 kN  3000 kN
 P/N  346-45473-10  Special-order product                              Without Connecting to a Computer        *
 Upper and lower compression plate size  Ø220 mm  Ø220 mm
 Distance between compression plates  Max. 320 mm  Max. 320 mm
                                                                       Inserting a USB memory stick into the measurement
 Effective distance between columns  400 mm  500 mm                    controller with test parameters stored in the USB
 Test stroke  100 mm  100 mm                                           allows users to perform tests without a computer.
 Max. loading speed*  Max. 20 mm/min (60 Hz)  Max. 20 mm/min (60 Hz)   Furthermore, measurement data is automatically
 Max. 16 mm/min (50 Hz)  Max. 16 mm/min (50 Hz)                        saved in the USB memory after tests, which enables
 Size  (W) 860 × (D) 700 × (H) 1530 mm  (W) 960 × (D) 730 × (H) 1890 mm  Emergency stop switch  Key switch  the user to analyze the data with TRAPEZIUM X or
 Power supply capacity  Approx. 4 kVA  Approx. 7 kVA           Load pump  to use it to create reports.
                                                                       * Requires TRAPEZIUM X.
 3-phase, 200//220 V, 50/60 Hz                                ON/OFF switch
 CONCRETO series  *When unloaded and at a minimum oil temperature of 20 °C.  Rangeless Data Measurement
                                                                       Measure test force and strain without having to specify an amplifier range. This
                    Lower crosshead
                    elevating switch    Operation keys  Load control knob  means data can be acquired using optimal measurement parameters, even for
                                                                       samples with unknown strength. In addition, since the analog indicator and
 Specifications                                                        output to the data recorder have a virtual range, evaluation is possible in the
 Capacity  5000 kN                                                     same manner as before.
 Distance between compression plates  Max. 430 mm
 Compression diameter  Ø220 mm  Ultra-High-Speed Sampling Function Ensures
                    No Sudden Variations in Strength Are Missed                                             1 msec
 Loading speed  0 to 25 mm/min                                                                           Sampling interval
 *When unloaded and at a minimum oil temperature of 20 °C.                                                      50 msec
                    By connecting to a computer installed with TRAPEZIUM X data processing software, data can be acquired at ultra-high sampling rates of
                    up to 1 msec (1 kHz). This makes it possible to capture any sudden changes in test force, such as at the break point of brittle materials,
                    with high precision. Sampling parameters can be changed during tests, so that critical areas can be analyzed in more detail.
 High-rigidity compression                                                                                  Ultra-high-speed sampling
 testing machine    Measurement Controller Standard Specifications
                    1. Force measurement method      Cylinder internal pressure measurement with high-precision pressure cell
                                   Precision:  Standard type  Within ±1.0 % of indicated value (when the force is 1/1 to 1/250 of rated value) (Conforming to JIS B 7721 Class 1, ISO 7500/1 Class 1, and ASTM E4)*1
                                       High-precision type (option)
                                                     Within ±0.5 % of indicated value (when the force is 1/1 to 1/250 of rated value) (Conforming to JIS B 7721 Class 0.5, ISO 7500/1 Class 0.5, and ASTM E4)*1
 Testing Ultra High-Strength Concrete (130 N/mm )   Magnification  Rangeless
 (Ø100×200-mm high-sample)  2. Force display  Operation unit  Digital display; Min. display resolution: 1/200,000 (for 300-kN type;1/240,000 for 3000-kN type)
                                   Analog force indicator*2  Analog display; Scale plate diameter: 450 mm; Min. scale: 1/1000 (for 300-kN type;1/600 for 3000-kN type)
                                                     Digital display; Min. display resolution: 1/200,000 (for 300-kN type;1/240,000 for 3000-kN type)
                    3. Stroke measurement display    Measurement with optical encoder; digital display (resolution: 0.01 mm)
                    4. Automatic load control  Method  Fully closed-loop automatic load control
                                   Test control functions  Single test control, Strain test control, Stroke speed 3-step switching control, Concrete test control (compression, bending, splitting tensile tests)
                                   Range             Ram stroke control  Ram stroke control Speed range : 0.1 mm/min to max. loading speed*3
                                                               Control range                            : Ram return point to max. ram stroke
                                                     Test force control  Speed range   : 0.2 % to 500 % full-scale/min
                                                               Control range : 0.4 % to 100 % of full-scale force
                    5. Input/output interface        External analog input: 2 CH; External analog output: 2 CH
                                                     External digital input: 2 CH (optional); Internal amplifiers possible: 2 ports
                                                     Analog recorder (optional) output, USB function (for computer) / Host (for USB memory) interface, and Dataletty (optional) output
                    6. Standard functions            Auto-test force-strain control (with semi-auto-tuning), Test force auto-zero, Test force auto-calibration, Break detecting (break sensitivity, break level,
                                                     break peak level, and high sensitivity), Auto-return, Arbitrary stroke speed setting, Stroke speed preset, Cycle count, Stress value display, Displacement
                                                     meter value display, PEAK/BREAK value display, Test condition files (100 files), Japanese/English display, S-S curve display, Sample protection,
                                                     Current speed display, and Manual load control
                    7. Safety devices                Overload automatic stop (When the test force value exceeds 102 % of the full-scale value, the loading pump automatically stops.)
 Photographed with an ultra high-speed video camera (from Shimadzu)  Software limit detection (automatically stops test upon reaching limit setting value)
 Explosion-proofed  Not explosion-proofed            Control automatic stop (When an excessive control deviation is reached, the test automatically stops.)
 Note: This test uses the CONCRETO2000, which can support compression tests of ultra high-strength concrete.  *1 Calibration is required after instrument installation to provide conformance.  *2 Models without an analog test force indicator are also available.  *3 For the maximum loading speed, refer to the testing machine specifications.
 4                                                                                         Universal Testing Machines        5
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