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Optional and Accessories

             Benchtop NMR Spectrometers                         Benchtop NMR Spectrometers
             AUTOsample-60                                      NMReady-Flow

               • The Autosampler uses basic onboard NMReady software     • Bottom-to-top (B2T) configurations       IES
               • Can configure up to 25 tubes at once             • Easy Continuous and Stopped flow compatibility
               • Run a series of 1D experiments or set up basic structural     • Flow Rate 0.1 – 4.0 ml/min         Greatwall
                 elucidation routines (e.g., 1H, COSY, HSQC, DEPT-135, etc.)    • Programmatic access to the instrument for control,
               • Allows for automatic shimming routines as is required      monitoring & data via PC program

             Software Module Packages                                                                               Nanalysis

             : Compatible with both 60 /100 MHz
               • Experiment Designer – advanced module allowing expert     • Kinetics – allows users to run scheduled 1D NMR
                 users to design and/or modify their own NMR pulse       experiments over a set period of time
                 programs                                         • Installation /Operational Qualification (IQ/OQ) – helps   LC Tech
               • Queuing – allows users to run a series of experiments on       user understand and qualify their NMR spectrometer
                 the same tube in succession                        overtime to help with regulatory and GxP compliance

                 Software Module Packages
                                                 NMReady-60 Series                NMReady-100 Series
                   Operating Frequency                60 MHz                           100 MHz
                   Permanent Magnet               1.41 T (no cryogen)               2.35 T (no cryogen)
                   User Interface                              Built-in-Touchscreen
                   Nuclei                  Dual or Triple : 1H, 7Li, 11B, 13C, 19F, 31P  Dual : 1H, 13C, 19F, 31P

                   Resolution                  LW (50%) < 1.0 Hz                    LW (50%) < 1.0 Hz
                   Sensitivity              100 :1 (1% EtBz single scan)         220 :1 (1% EtBz single scan)
                   Sample NMR tube       Standard 5 mm, Flow Cell (option)           Standard 5 mm
                   IQ/OQ Protocol                               Automatic Protocol
                   CFR 21 Part 11 Compliance         Includes secure logins, user protects data, IQ/OQ

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