Page 5 - Nanalysis-60MHz
P. 5

> Simple operation
                                                    > Accurate, precise, repeatable
                                                    > Quick data collection

                                           N  N  N  N
                                  O         CDI   O      O
                                   OH +  F 3 C  O  H  O  CF 3 +  N  O  CF 3
                                  1     2  Acetone  3  N   4
                               F               F
                                                                 Simple Reaction Monitoring         NMReady-flow allows users to:
                                                                 NMReady-flow cell kit
                                                                                                       » Understand and optimize
                                                                                                      chemical reactions in real time
                                                                 The  NMReady-flow  allows  easy
                                                                 interconversion of any Nanalysis-60     » Improve reaction yield
                                                                 benchtop   NMR     spectrometer
                                                                 into an online detector either as a       » Automate repeated syntheses
                                                                 stand-alone  tool  or  in  conjunction
                                                                 with other analytical techniques.     » Integrate the 60 MHz
                                                                                                      benchtop NMR spectrometer
                                                                 For more information, visit          in a centralized laboratory system

                                                                                                   If you would like further information about
                                                                                                  any of the optional software, accessories and
                                                                                                       service packages, please contact

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